Saturday, December 20, 2008

Bias Garter Scarf-Step 3 - decrease a stitch

You have knit until there are 3 stitches on the left needle. Insert you needle in the next two stitches and knit them together. You just decreased a stitch! In knitting speak, this is noted k2tog, which means, knit 2 together. Knit the last stitch on the left needle to complete the row.
Knit one row. You will be back on the right side of the knitting and you can see the marker.

This completes the pattern for the scarf. Continue to follow these two rows. On the right side, you do an increase at the beginning of the row and a decrease at the end of the row. Follow this with one row of plain knitting.

Here are the directions for the scarf in knitting terms.

1. Cast on 35 stitches.

2. On the right side row, you knit one stitch, then increase one stitch by knitting into the loop between the stitch just knit and the stitches on the left needle. Knit to the last 3 stitches, k2tog and knit 1. Turn and knit one row. Repeat these two rows until the desired length.
3. Bind off all stitches.

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