Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Done with 8 x8 afghan

I finished my 64th square this morning. The eighth one in the eighth column and IT IS TOO SMALL!! The whole afghan measures 42" squarish.

I knew at the beginning that it was a bit short, but I thought it might stretch. I also thought I might put on a border. But now, I just love the simplicity of the squares, so I will probably only crochet around the edge to satabilize it.

I am going to make it 9 x9. Here is an important note for you: measure the length of your first column. If it is too short (as mine was) make 9 squares per column and 9 columns.


Laura said...

Thanks for coming up with such an attractive project and for sharing it with A4A knitters. Your instructions and tips are excellent.

Creatavita said...

Mary - could you do a posting on color order? I know it is 2nd nature for you, but I find I am second-guessing myself all of the time about which color I should use next.

Since the Phillies are on tonight, I'll probably finish my first column. I'm taking your advice and doing 9 squares.

Winter Wanderings said...

Wow -- maybe I'll finally learn how to knit, as I love this project!

Glad to see you in Blogland too!!!

Cathy in muggy Houston, and ever so thankful that the electricity is back on (at least in our neighborhood)