Thursday, August 28, 2008

The First Square

Here are the directions for the first mitered square. The first knit row is the wrong side of the piece. Even rows are the right side of the piece. The 4 pictures show you how to do the double decrease that is at the center of the square. It is the part of the directions that are between the asterisks.

Cast on 45 stitches.
  1. Knit 22 stitches, purl 1 stitch, knit 22 stitches.

  2. Knit 21 stitches, *put your needle in the front of the next two stitches and slip to the right hand needle. Knit the next stitch and pass the two slipped stitches over the knit stitch.* Knit 21 stitches.

  3. Knit 21 stitches, purl 1 stitch, knit 21 stitches

  4. Knit 20 stitches, repeat the step between the asterisks in step 2, knit 20 stitches.

  5. Knit 20 stitches, purl 1 stitch, knit 20 stitches.

  6. Knit 19 stitches, repeat the step between the asterisks in Step 2, knit 19 stitches.

Can you see the pattern? On the right side, you always have one less stitch on each side of the knit ridge stitch. You are decreasing 2 stitches on every right side row. Continue until you have only 3 stitches and you are on the right side. To end, just repeat the decrease between the asterisks, cut the yarn and pull it through the loop. Your first square is finished!


Creatavita said...

As I promised myself, I started this project after today's closing performance of Have A Nice Life. I just finished my first square. Took about 40 minutes (that's a guess). Mine is also 5" X 5.25". I'm using Size 7 Stilleto needles from our dad and Kool-Aid dyed yarn. More after dinner!

GenKnit said...

Hi, MB--per your invitation at the a4A blog, I've come to check out your website. This is going to be an absolutely gorgeous afghan that you're working on!

But I have a question: How did you get that lovely green shade w/ Kool-aid dye? I have not been able to get anything darker than a light mint green w/ my Kool-aid attempts.

(a.k.a. "genknit", which is genealogy + knitting...)

embee said...


I missed your comment before, I am so sorry. I get the dark colors by using a darker color underneath or by using more koolaid. If you dye a color and it is too light, just dye it again! I just did that this morning with a color I didn't like. Also, you may have to add other colors to tone down the color. The Lemon-lime, which is the only green available is very bright, you can add blue and grape to get a much darker color. Hope this helps.